Outsourcing more popular as crisis pinches Polish firms

More and more Polish companies are understanding the benefits of outsourcing, a new study shows.

The global financial crisis is benefitingthe outsourcing market in Poland,as companies look to reduce costs wherever they can, according to a recentstudy by outsourcing services provider ArchiDoc.

Polish companies outsource informationtechnology and back-office processes more than other services, and these aremainly outsourced by the financial and auto industries. Over the next twoyears, the use of outsourcing services will grow most in the financial andinfrastructure sectors, the report said.

“Back-office outsourcing is one of the waysto rationalize a company’s outlays. During an economic slowdown, thanks tocooperation with professional subcontractors, companies can achieve higheroperational efficiency and limit fixed costs,” said Piotr Cholewa, thepresident of the board at ArchiDoc.

In its report, ArchiDoc listed the benefitsof outsourcing as seen by the companies who use them. Among the most importantpositives were: the ability to save time, the ability to concentrate on acompany’s primary activity and a reduction of costs. Another importantadvantage which firms mentioned was that outsourcing saves valuable space.

The research showed that nearly half of therespondents used outsourcing. However, in some industries, from 25 to 56percent of companies declared that they had no intention of introducingoutsourcing.

“In a couple of years these companies willchange their minds. The reason: impairment of the market,” said Cholewa.

“Some firms still use outsourcing solutionsonly when the need to modernize or reconstruct some of their divisions arises.Moreover, companies have concerns about safety and unsatisfactory quality ofservice,” said Marek Bronder, managing director for sales and development atArchiDoc.

Many companies responding to the surveywere planning to contract out some tasks, indicating that the outsourcingindustry will develop quickly in the near future.


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