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As many as 8% of IT workers have been displaced by offshore outsourcing, either through job loss or an involuntary transfer to a new job by their employer, which is twice the rate of workers in other occupations, according to a study based on data collected from some 10,000 people, which may be the largest survey of its kind.

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The first thing to come to mind when talking about outsourcing is cutting costs. Or at least it was so…

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Less than half of the companies that have begun moving general and administrative work to offshore offices said they were satisfied with the new unit’s ability to innovate, a new Hackett Group survey finds.

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While reading outsourcing horror stories may be somewhat entertaining, especially if it hasn’t happened to you, it’s even better to learn from the mistakes of others. That’s why InfoWorld talked to industry experts to summarize their best advice, based on their own experience and their clients’ experiences.

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The Everest Research Institute’s Market Vista: Q2 2008 Report on global outsourcing and offshoring revealed that, despite the unstable economic conditions in the United States, the outsourcing market continues to stably grow with help from European investments.

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Outsourcing horror stories, from corrupt general managers “with all sorts of conflicts of interest” (such as service providers getting kickbacks from landlords on the leased space) to projects torn apart by huge turnover rates.”

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Software Business Partners is a young growing company, located in Bucharest, Romania. It has been in the business of information technology outsourcing for more than five years, providing to clients worldwide competent services and expertise in the field of web applications and desktop applications development.

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IT directors are optimistic about their plans for the next financial year and expect to increase staffing levels and salaries, a new study has revealed.

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The IT outsourcing industry can expect a downturn in fortunes in 2009, an industry expert has claimed.

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Substitutes like business service outsourcing and global delivery model (GDM), necessitated by the changing business model of IT firms, are likely to replace them over the next seven years.

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