Geometria has been using the quality management system according to standard ISO 9001 since 1995. The quality management system ensures the effectiveness and reliability of production and service processes of the company.
Continue readingHungary, a beautiful country conveniently located in Central Europe, successfully made a transition from a centrally planned to a market economy at the end of the 1980s.
Continue readingSynergon Information Systems Plc. has also acquired the Cisco Advanced Data Centre Network Infrastructure Specialization qualification.
Continue readingOn 18 February, at the year starting partner meeting of SAP Hungary Ltd., the most successful members of the partner network selling the SAP solutions were able to take over the partner awards in two categories on the basis of their performance achieved in 2007.
Continue readingIn large enterprise informatics the emphasis is put on fulfilling business needs to the greatest possible extent and in addition to this – due to the development in technologies and tools – customized support is provided to users.
Continue readingHUMANsoft Kft. is one of the sponsors of „E-Hungary, e-Government – 2007” program on 15-16 November.
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