For more than 10 years, it has been my privilege – and my fascination – to interview the world’s leadings service providers and analysts about their predictions as to how outsourcing will change in the coming year.
Years ago, the articles started with an overview of how accurate the prior year’s predictions turned out to be. Except for the growth predictions, the predictions were often not on the mark – except for two years where the industry observers predicted massive change – one due to the beginnings of BPO and the other was the year everyone talked about the impact to come as a result of labor arbitrage and offshoring.
This year’s predictions are like those two other years when there was dramatic, far-reaching change. Just this morning Outsourcing Center published a set of 10 articles covering predictions as to how the industry will change over the next five years. I predict that if you don’t take the time to read these articles, you’ll miss some critical decision-making information your company will need to know in order to get your anticipated outcomes from outsourcing in the coming years.
Forces are reshaping outsourcing. The articles in this year’s Forecasts and Trends Issue will help you maneuver through the changes so you can leverage them to your company’s advantage.
What’s changing? Everything.
Read the articles and you’ll see that it’s more than just the impact of the disruptive cloud technology, the different pricing models and business models, and value propositions. No matter the size of your company or your industry, buyers and providers of outsourcing services will need to change their mindset about how it works and how they work together.
Whether you’re a buyer considering outsourcing a process or considering renewing a contract or trying to determine how to take your existing deal to the next level, or whether you’re a service provider looking to be more competitive or strengthen existing relationships, the Outsourcing Center 2011 forecast issue has the information you need about the changes that will reshape your outsourcing decisions.