Outsourcing Prospects for Non-Voice BPOs Good in ’09

Business prospects in 2009 for non-voice providers of business process outsourcing (BPO) services are good to outstanding, according to respondents participating in an industry survey. Almost 65% of respondents said 2009 prospects are excellent to outstanding, and 30 percent said prospects are good. Only five percent of respondents said 2009 business prospects are only fair, and none responded that prospects are poor.

The survey results confirm that despite the impact of the global financial crisis on business activity in major markets, providers of non-voice outsourced business process services are optimistic that their businesses will continue to grow next year. A total of 188 respondents participated in the survey, which was sent to 583 BPO executives, providing a 32 percent response rate. Eighty-four percent of respondents provide non-voice outsourced business process services.

The survey was conducted by the Business Processing Association of the Philippines (BPA/P) and Outsource2Philippines (O2P) and managed by strategic marketing communications firm TeamAsia. The complete results of the survey will be presented in a breakfast briefing December 3 for senior industry executives. The briefing is being organized by BPA/P and O2P with the support of TeamAsia, human resource solutions provider ExcelAsia, and recruitment consultant World Pacific.

Non-voice business process services include animation and graphics, back office services such as HR administration and accounting, customer care, engineering services, financial services, software development and other services and tech support. Most respondents, 91 percent, said the value-add of their services was moderate, high, or very high, indicating that most non-voice BPO services provided in the Philippines are at least reasonably sophisticated.

Delegates attending the December 3 breakfast briefing, “Going Voiceless: The State of Philippine Non-Voice BPO,” will receive a detailed summary of the survey, which consisted of 20 questions ranging from current and anticipated employee base to projected revenue growth in 2009.

Source: CIO

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