Ringtone DJ app, launched by Oxagile’s mobile application development unit, is nominated for Best App Ever 2011 Award and makes it to the top, winning the first place in Best Ringtone App category.
AppAnnex LLC, a mobile development unit within Oxagile that markets our own mobile products, submitted Ringtone DJ app for the annual Best App Ever contest and at the turn of the previous month was announced to become a winner among other ringtone apps in iOS division, having scored the maximum of voter ballots.
Best App Ever Awards are held since 2008 and aimed to spot the best mobile apps in such categories as Best News App, Best Medical App, Best Social Networking App and many others. First, all mobile applications-participants are divided into 2 broad categories – iOS division (including iPhone, iPad, iPod platforms) and Android division, and only after that the app-candidates are accessed according to more specific characteristics like their functionality. The idea behind the whole Best App Ever Award project is to hail the best apps according to their true worth and real value for the end-users and not for their brand popularity.
Ringtone DJ is an iPhone app in a set of our mobile products, launched and promoted by a group of passionate, seasoned developers, who made mobile development for iOS- and Android-powered devices their lifestyle.
Ringtone DJ is an app that allows users to personalize and customize their mobile sounds from simple alerts and sms tones to email, voicemail notifications and ringtones. Having all their iTunes music library at their disposal, iPhone users can create unlimited, totally unique ringtones and try on the role of a DJ by mixing sounds, adding pitch and scratch effects, and applying other sound effects to their iTunes tracks on our Ringtone DJ decks.