Another important IT event is to take place in November. WebRTC Conference & Expo III is scheduled for this November in Santa Clara and Oxagile is interested in the emerging technology and being one of the experts in creating applications with it is determined to participate in the event.
The Conference & Expo are held 2 times per year and together form the largest ecosystem event for the WebRTC technology. WebRTC experts and gurus, providers and developers of apps which embed the technology will attend the venue in Santa Clara to share their opinions and views with one another and all those eager to listen to. The event will include new ways and approaches to use WebRTC, fabulous stories of successful application of the technology, thorough trainings for developers who would like to use it in apps and detailed description for representatives of the corporate sector who are seeking to transform their businesses for the better.
WebRTC, though still being referred to as one of the emerging technologies has quite a solid background across an array of industries and practice areas. The relatively new technology of video and audio data transfer has a potential to revolutionize the Web as well as businesses related to it. This strategy in real time communication solutions presents an array of benefits across a range of domains: e-learning and e-commerce being the most obvious but, nevertheless, extremely popular examples. Enterprise communication channels, contact centers meant for customer service and support, web businesses which directly communicate with users — all these areas get a huge impulse with WebRTC and apps based on it. WebRTC Conference & Expo presents the major meeting point for both adherents of the technology and those eager to evaluate the new format and scrutinize the benefits for their own businesses it might provide.
Oxagile being one of the earliest adopters of the WebRTC technology takes part in the event from the very beginning. Besides, being regular attendee, for the second time the company is a sponsor of WebRTC Conference viewing it as one of the most promising and efficient ways to unite developers and specialists with business owners and potential customers, dwell on the technology specialties and share development experience, deliver all the advantages of the technology and positive impact it has on the web, web-related businesses and communication in general. Representatives of Oxagile having a huge expertise in delivering real-time communication solutions and applications with the embedded RTC technology for a range of domains are interested in WebRTC which is overhauling the web at the moment and will be glad to share the company’s experience with everybody at Santa Clara Convention Center, Booth 5, from November 19 till November 21.