Poland in the Euro zone

Poland in the Euro zone – opportunities, possibilities, threats. Sygnity invites to the conference.

Between 23 – 24 April 2009 a conference devoted to the subject of joining the EURO zone by Poland will be held. The main organizers of this event are the Sygnity S.A. company, Ness Technologies and Microsoft Polska. The conference is aimed particularly at representatives of financial institutions: banks, insurance societies, investment funds, brokerage offices and leasing companies.

During the conference problems which may occur due to joining the EURO zone by Poland and the methods of resolving them are to be presented. The speakers will present also the framework plan for the conversion project.

„Joining the EURO zone by Poland is connected with a serious challenge which financial institutions will face – says Jacek Kujawa, Deputy President of Sygnity S.A. – Projects connected with the conversion are long-term undertakings which require first solid preparation, and then efficient execution. Therefore, we would like to share the experience of Sygnity and its partners with the participants of the conference and present our competences in this type of projects”.

Sygnity’s consultants have gained experience connected with conversion into EURO while implementing a new version of software of the main bank system FLEXCUBE in Bawag Banka in Slovenia. The execution of this project took place during the conversion, and the services provided by Sygnity included, among other things, preparation of the system to operate during the transition period in which two currencies were in use.

„Even though the final date of introducing the EURO currency in Poland has not been determined yet, the year 2012 still seems to be realistic. That is why we already now want to familiarize the financial market with the challenges which it will soon have to face” – adds Jacek Kujawa.

The government’s stance in regard to joining the EURO zone by Poland will be presented by Ludwik Kotecki, Deputy State Secretary of the Minister of Finance and Government Plenipotentiary for the Introduction of the Euro by the Republic of Poland, whereas the issue of opportunities and threats which financial institutions are to face will be approached by Remigiusz Kaszubski of the Polish Bank Association (Zwiazek Bankow Polskich). Experts from Sygnity and Ness Technologies will present resulting from conversion necessary changes in the ERP systems, business intelligence systems and other information technology solutions which are used on a daily basis by financial institutions, whereas consultants from Microsoft will present tools which support management of the project of conversion into the Euro.

Source: Sygnity

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