Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa (PTC) opted for Software Mind

Software Mind SA and Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Ltd. (operator of the Era GSM network) have signed an agreement concerning cooperation based on which the Krakow-based software house takes over the current maintenance of software to support the processes of construction and maintenance of GSM / DCS / UMTS networks.

According to the agreement, the role of Software Mind SA will be maintaining the system to support selected processes taking place in PTC GSM / DCS / UMTS network, including the process of Fault Management work organisation and network configuration change management processes.

Companies have been cooperating since 2003 in the implementation of IT projects in several different areas including GSM network construction support.”

Software Mind specializes in developing high quality software. It offers companies operating in the telecomunication business a wide range of services as well as its own, industry-dedicated products.Software Mind Telco Suite includes a comprehensive portfolio of products that guarantee professional management of marketing, sales, activation and customer service processes. In terms of to telecommunications- dedicated services, the company offers: realization of derdicated IT solutions (ESD), implementation in the field of business process management (BPM), development of SOA / EAI architecture, development of portal-dedicated solutions, management and organization of software development processes (Quality Assurance).

Source: Software Mind

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