“We Intend to Develop Cooperation with HTP”, — said Ugo Cappellacci, President of Sardinia (an autonomous region of Italy), during his visit to HTP on the March 30, 2012.
The meeting was held in the format of bilateral dialogue during which the parties exchanged the experience in IT industry development.
During the meeting Ugo Cappellacci told about Sardinia’s role in development of Italian ICT sector.
Center for Research and Higher Studies in Sardinia founded by Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia together with IT innovations ”Video On Line“ and ”Tiscali“ were the key factors that ushered Sardinia to the Information Society and introduced a new knowledge and innovation-based economy, laying the foundation for the sector’s development.
Today the Regional Government places great emphasis on knowledge-fostering policies and has adopted measures addressing the reorganization of public administration tools and competencies, the creation of large-scale IT infrastructures and networks and the implementation of IT sectoral projects in order to make Sardinia a model of excellence in ICT application.
Following the dialogue the delegation of Sardinia visited EPAM Systems office. All members of the delegation found the visit interesting and useful. The parties agreed to establish mutually beneficial cooperation in ICT.