Archive and storage specialists Proact have entered into an extensive contract with oil company Mazeikiu Nafta, the biggest company in Lithuania. This deal is worth at least SEK 4 million over a five-year period, and will involve Proact supplying solutions and support in respect of servers, storage and backup
“This contract is of strategic importance to us, and at the same time this is evidence that doing business in Lithuania is possible despite the country being badly affected by the credit crunch,” says Olof Sand, CEO and Group President of Proact.
Mazeikiu Nafta owns the only refinery in the Baltic states, and produces and sells petroleum products to the Baltic states and the rest of the world. The company also has an extensive network of petrol stations in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. This is the biggest company in Lithuania, employing more than 3 000 staff, and also the country’s biggest export company.
Mazeikiu Nafta is currently undergoing a process of modernisation, with the aim of enhancing efficiency and quality. They needed greater storage capacity and systems reliability, while at the same time it was imperative that switching to the new system would not cause downtime.
Proact’s special position as independent specialists in the field of archive and storage solutions was an important criterion when it came to selecting a supplier. Mazeikiu Nafta chose Proact because they were offering a competitive price and the functionality they needed, but also because of their professional attitude and superb technical expertise in respect of both hardware and software.
The Proact solution is based on hardware and software from Hitachi Data Systems, Hitachi Data Systemsand Symantec. This contract will remain in force for five years, and besides products it will also include consultancy services and support for everything included in the delivery. This contract is worth at least SEK 4 million.
The storage system has a total capacity of 18 terabytes, and all information is mirrored to a secondary system in a different location in order to create secure disaster protection. This solution also includes storage virtualisation software, which will result in optimum usage of the new infrastructure. And to prevent the same data from being stored in a number of locations, Mazeikiu Nafta is using deduplication technology. This involves the system compressing data and making sure that no duplicates are saved.