Quality House Ltd. has successfully launched the first ISTQB Agile Tester Extension course in the beginning of June – on the 6th and the 7th of June 2015.
The first Agile Tester Course, which duration is 2 training days, gathered participants from different software development companies, with different interests and experiences and different expectations from the course and the trainer.
In the line of the two training days and while fulfilling their tasks in Agile Teams they were able to exchange among them and with the trainer valuable experience while working both in the traditional SDLCs and the benefits of being Agile. The main focus was how to organize successfully the testing in Agile Processes and Practices.
Being highly included in the making of the course – through participation in the workshops and the lectures, which being very interactive, allowed the participants to gain in-depth understanding as of how to successfully collaborate in an agile team, they became familiar with agile principles and practices as well as they got new ideas how to adapt the existing testing experience, knowledge and best practices in their work environment.
After completion of the course, participants are able to enroll ISTQB Agile Tester Extension exam to obtain a certificate for a ISTQB Certified Agile Tester.
Quality House Ltd. is the only accredited certified training provider in South East European Europe to offer ISTQB Courses.
Most of the participants in the first ISTQB Agile Tester Extension course in Bulgaria, have already passed successfully the certification exam and now are the first certified ISTQB Certified Agile Testers in Bulgaria.
The next Agile Tester course will be scheduled for this Autumn.