New software house – Qualium Systems GmbH & Co KG has announced it’s official opening. Company headquartered in Bonn, Germany has been founded as a result of collaboration of Deutsche eCommerce GmbH and the Ukrainian Softwarehouse Qualium Systems Ltd.
Key elements of the company’s proposition include the development of mobile apps, social media applications, web-, desktop- and server-solutions as well as Flash- and Flex applications. Sales, customer-relations, project-management and part of development departments of Qualium Systems are located in Germany whereas the most part of development department is based in Ukrainian „Silicone Valley“ – Kharkov. Thomas Busch, CEO of Qualium Systems GmbH & Co. KG: „We combine the advantages of nearshoring with firsthand local customer-and project-management, offering our customers the highest development standards within the industry in conjunction with very favourable price benefits. The contract partner of German clients is Qualium Systems GmbH & Co. KG and all contracts are subject to German jurisdiction.“
45 professional full-time developers work from Kharkov on projects for customers around the globe. Sergio Salenko, Business Development Manager at Qualium Systems: „In recent years we have accumulated and built-up widespread and comprehensive know how – ranging from simple Facebook games along with complex 3D desktop product configurators up to highly sophisticated control software for industry plants. We are looking forward to making this know how available to German customers.“
Qualium Systems’ focus is to collaborate with communication- and advertising-agencies as well as IT departments within companies of all industries. Especially agencies of all kinds will benefit from cooperation with Qualium Systems since they can themselves offer a much wider range of services and expand their portfolio, even with significant key IT projects. „Our contractors can choose from a variety of cooperation models: fixed price projects based on detailed system specifications, project accounting based on hourly rates or even a dedicated development center working exclusively for one account – essentially being a development department that is entirely being controlled by the contractor“, says Helga Krivchenko, CEO & Managing Partner at Qualium Systems Ltd.