Recession will transform IT use, expert says

The recession will force businesses to change the way they use technology, according to an expert.

John Gantz, chief research officer at IDC, speaking at the Intellect Annual Regent Conference 2009, says: “The main thing that will happen out of the economic crisis [is that it] will be an agent for technological change…[We will see] business transformation through the use of IT.”

He claims that crises compel companies to significantly modify their use of IT even though it is easier to do this at a more financially-stable time, which may prompt them to seek London IT outsourcing.

According to research by Forrester, global IT purchases increased by eight per cent in 2008, the seventh year of growth for the sector.

It predicts that global purchases of software products will total $388 billion (Ј272 billion), while investment in communications equipment will decline.

The company also forecasts that IT outsourcing services will be in higher demand than IT consulting and systems integration in 2009.

Source: ihotdesk

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