Report on our EU funded company training project

CN Group realised all the courses planned for 2009 within the training project funded by the European Social Fund and the budget of Prague Municipality. Developers and Testers went through 13 technical courses, managers had 4 development training sessions and furthermore the grant covered language training for 14 employees. In numbers it means 275 days of training (language courses not included) and 53 people trained. We have successfully completed  the first part of our training project.

CN Group obtained budget grant for training in Prague

CN Group managed to obtain a substantial budget grant for funding training in its Prague headquarters. The amount of 3.187.000 CZK from the European Social Fund is granted for direct training costs.

Our training project has four specific goals: Soft skills development, expert knowledge increase, language skills development and training system innovation through the implementation of talent management.

The training project will be realised in 2009-2010.

This project is funded by European Social Fund and budget of Prague Municipality.

Praha & EU: We invest in your future.

Source: CN Group

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