106 companies are registered as the residents of Belarus Hi-Tech Park as of January 1, 2012.
By the origin of investments attracted to the sphere of new and high technologies:
The volume of software and IT services production in 2011 amounted to 1.4 trillion rubles with the rate of growth reaching 238% (with the due account of the deflator).
The volume of software produced by HTP residents and implemented at Belarusian enterprises, state institutions, and banks, amounted to 178 bln rubles and increased by 1.6 times as compared to 2010.
The export of software increased by 34% and amounted to USD 215 mln (USD 161 mln in 2010). The export share totaled 87% of the overall production.
HTP customers are companies from 56 countries around the world. 47% of software and IT services were exported to North American countries, 35% to Western Europe countries and 14% to CIS countries.
As of January 1st, 2011 the total number of HTP employees reached 11 863 people with 2267 new jobs created in 2011.
The average salary of HTP employees increased by 214% as compared to 2010 and amounted to 7.5 mln rubles.
Throughout the existence of Hi-Tech Park since 2006 the production volume totals USD 803 mln with export sales amounting to USD 667 mln.