Fed up with those whiffs of camembert emanating from those sales decks illustrating 92 beautifully-crafted graphical representations of offshore transition methodology, global delivery models and the latest “unique” roadmap to achieving innovation?
So how can you make the sales process smell less like a Wisconsin dairy farm? Easy – simply join us for our next web event, where we’ll discuss – and officially answer – these questions:
Watch the sparks fly as HfS COO Esteban Herrera leads the discussion with these four cheese-busting industry luminaries:
Kevin Judice: CIO, PNM Resources (Rumored to turn up to sales pitches with a 12-bore)
John Gustafson: VP, Energy & Utilities, Wipro (Has the bullet-holes to prove it)
David Poole : Former CEO, Americas BPO, CapGemini (A reformed fondue expert and expert salesman)
Chip Wagner: Managing Director, Alsbridge (As immune to the niff of gorgonzola as a veteran fromagère)