SaM in Progress of its Expansion Strategy into the Netherlands

SaM Solutions Develops E-Commerce Platform for Infotheek Groep N.V., as part of its expansion strategy into the Netherlands.

After a year of intensive development, the SaM Solutions outsourcing company has completed and put into operation an e-commerce project for a Dutch company Infotheek Groep N.V. The Infotheek Groep N.V. is the largest Dutch Hewlett Packard overstock und EOL (End Of Life) hardware distributor in Europe. The project is part of the SaM Solutions’ expansion strategy into the Benelux market (Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg) which is also reflected on the new office of SaM Solutions in Amsterdam working onsite since September 2009. Infotheek also benefits from the new online service offer which after only a few weeks has significantly increased the number of its customers.

The Characteristics of the New PlatformThe e-commerce portal automates processes such as proposal preparation, purchasing, invoicing or settlement of claims. Routine activities in sales and administration are also significantly simplified. Therefore, these departments can now concentrate more on gaining new customers, without being hampered by time-consuming manual ordering processes. The Infotheek marketing department uses the new platform intensively as a tool for their own initiatives. These include customer loyalty programs, advertising campaigns or new clients gaining projects.

The Project Implementation ProcessBefore the start of the project SaM Solutions undertook a detailed feasibility study. As a result, IT professionals had to decide whether to develop or to buy an end solution. Among the alternatives to consider were for instance the MS Commerce Server and some other standard frameworks for e-commerce solutions. Due to the complexity of the Infotheek business requirements it was decided to develop an entirely new custom solution. Based on .Net Framework 3.5, it is integrated into the ERP solution Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

“We were planning the project for some years. In 2009 it was finally decided to implement it. We understand the importance of our development partner’s expertise, i.e. the extensive know-how needed to implement high-tech projects of this art. I have particularly learned to appreciate the reliability of SaM Solutions in terms of quality and punctuality. For this reason, we are already planning the next steps together, as our new service must be continuously expanded in the future”, – said Jordy Kool, CCO of Infotheek Groep NV, about the progress of the development project with SaM.

Source: SaM Solutions

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