ScienceSoft Inc. Establishes A Dedicated Business Unit For Automated Application Migration

ScienceSoft Inc., an established IT outsourcing service provider from Eastern Europe, provides automated solutions for a wide range of application migrations.

Rapid software modernization requires many mid-size and large companies to intensively search for modern platforms for developing new business applications and upgrading existing software. Building a new environment is an expensive, lengthy and risky endeavor. We offer our services and unique know-how that will eliminate all these disadvantages.

The exclusive automated migration approach offered by ScienceSoft allows the risk-free migration of outdated applications built on platforms such as PowerBuilder, Progress 4GL, Informix 4GL, etc. to newer ones such as Microsoft .NET or Sun Java. Automated migration preserves the value of previous IT investments, reduces the time and effort required for achieving a desired result, eliminates dependency on rare skills, and retains the original interdependency and interconnectivity. The automated migration approach guarantees the customer an environment which is reliable, modern and responsive to changes.

Our unique solution is really cost-effective. By using this cost-effective solution our customers are able to save up to 70 percent of their investments in migration projects in comparison with the alternative manual approaches. Our highly optimized and customized technique enables up to 100 percent of automation of the entire migration process. We are using an individually tailored approach that ensures the adaptation of the customers’ specific requirements.


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