ScienceSoft Inc., a leading Belarusian IT services provider, gained a silver level Microsoft Midmarket Solution Provider Competency.
Having attained this competency, ScienceSoft Inc. showcases its expertise in providing solutions based on the most current technology and IT-solutions knowledge to help midmarket businesses with their unique challenges. Besides, the company will also be eligible to take advantage of benefits specifically tailored to this competency.
With a Microsoft Midmarket Solution Provider Competency ScienceSoft Inc. demonstrates to its Midmarket-business customers that it understands their business processes, infrastructure needs, and future growth costs. The company also shows the expertise in building critical infrastructure solutions based on Microsoft desktop, business-management, and server technologies that can expand on midmarket customers’ current system foundations.
Among the other ScienceSoft’s Microsoft competences there are Silver Application Integration, Silver Mobility and Silver Web Development.
In order to get a silver level Microsoft Midmarket Solution Provider Competency the company needs to have two Microsoft Certified Professionals among its staff, prove that at least one person passed the Microsoft licensing overview assessment and online sales and marketing competency assessment, and provide three verifiable customer references.