ScienceSoft supports young talents

December 8th -13th, the 10th contest of young mathematicians took place in Minsk, Belarus. ScienceSoft was one of the sponsors of the event.

Twenty six teams of high school students from Belarus, Russia, Bulgaria and Kazakhstan participated in the contest. The contest consisted of a range of “math battles”. The teams had to solve research problems, present the result, and then defend their conclusions in the public discussions with other competitors. The judges of the contests were academics from Belarus and other participating countries.

“We believe that it is important to support scientific achievements from the early age to ensure compliance with rising professional standards in further career of young people”, said ScienceSoft’s CEO, Nikolay Kurayev at the opening ceremony of the contest. He wished the participants success and expressed hope for seeing young talents among future ScienceSoft’s employees.

This is just one of the examples of ScienceSoft’s support for the young talent. In September, our company together with Belarus High Tech park opened a computer lab in a school of Minsk district. In August we supported Belarusian national student team in the international informatics Olympiad. And in 2007 ScienceSoft opened 2 computer labs in major Belarusian universities, where we also organize professional trainings for university students.

Source: ScienceSoft

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