Romanian-Hungarian cooperation initiatives within the business and academic work frame show promising results. The scientific conference held in Pecs, Hungary in May 2010, pointed out the major contribution that business environment can bring for the academic one and vice-versa. Restrained to the IT&C industry, the conference aimed to assure a matchmaking session for local companies from Cluj, Romania and Pecs, Hungary.
Location: Faculty of Economics, University of Pecs, Hungary
Timetable: 28th of May, 2010
Event organized by: IveTar – Association of Information Technology Leaders, Pecs, Hungary
Framework: National Civil Program
Project code: NCA-NK-09-F-0507 Hatarta-LAN)
Special thanks to professors: Mr. Peter DOBAY and Mr. Jozsef FICSOR
The Transylvanian – Hungarian bilateral scientific conference analyzed the economical impact of information technology on the regions of Transylvania and Pecs: Hungarian company executives from Cluj, information technology leaders from Hungary – Pecs region and honours of Hungarian Universities from Pecs shared their experiences and views about how to reach to a closer cooperation between industry activity and research work.
The Hungarian Technical Scientific Society of Transylvania (EMT) was represented by Walter BREM from Codespring and dr. Laszlo BARABAS from Evoline. The invitees could hear about the ongoing projects and technical know-how portfolio of two important software companies from Cluj, Codespring and Evoline, and could get a closer glimpse into the IT education system of the Babes-Bolyai University from Cluj.
Gabor GAZSO, the representative of NJSZ Smart Card Forum talked about the usage of smart cards in the Hungarian society and formulated research alternatives in this domain.
Attila TOTH, from SL Software Consult Hungary LLC and Ferenc BRACHMANN, from the South-Danube Information Cluster shared the experiences of a successfully implemented GOP 1.3.1. project about Framework for Electronic Administration.
Students from the University of Pecs, Hungary have presented two projects they have been working on, under the professional guidance of IveTar and EMT: the first project sketched the content and technical plan of the IveTar – EMT sub portal, followed by the second project entitled ‘Information society’ with focus on data gathering and expansion.
The conference ended with a visit at a local software development company, at Dexter LLC where the guests could get more information about CooSpace, a software application having a major contribution to administration process automation at the University of Pecs: timetable, course plan, examination system, and professor – student virtual intercommunication, exam grades, studied subjects.
Both EMT and IveTar participants regarded the event as an excellent matchmaking session and expressed intention to continue professional cooperation in the form of student exchange and joint projects.