Scrum Time

Scrum Time

PSTech’s R&D Team has developed a new mobile app, for development teams that are using Scrum framework.

If you have used Scrum before, you already know that it can improve overall productivity, management of changing priorities, and also make positive impact on the team spirit.

“Scrum Time” will improve and speed-up your Sprint Planning meetings:

  • You will quickly and easily implement “Planning Poker”, without the need for physical cards
  • Every member of your team has his phone with him, so the cards can’t be lost
  • Directly inside the app there is an integrated timer – for time boxing the estimation discussions

If you are still not using Scrum, you can start now, using our app! Please contact us for more info, or if you want to discuss the implementation of Scrum framework in your organization.

Scrum Time Planning Poker for Android is available on Google Play, and the iOS version is coming soon.

Source: PS Tech

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