Security ‘key advantage to IT outsourcing’

Security is one of the advantages for those who use IT outsourcing for their data centres, an expert claims.

Chief executive officer of Dot Net Solutions Dan Scarfe claims keeping a company’s processes in large-scale data centres increases the level of protection they receive.

He compares this system to a server room in a small business environment, where the company’s hardware is physically protected by – at best – several deadlocks and a door.

In contrast, he says IT outsourcing allows firms to separate their servers and store them in buildings which are physically secure.

Highlighting the existence of security teams working around the clock, he suggests this environment is far safer for information than organisations’ own premises.

“I would say it is more secure having your data up in the cloud than in your office,” Mr Scarfe asserts.

According to the firm, a number of the data centres are the size of three football pitches.

Source: ihotdesk

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