Slovenska Akademia Vied (Slovak Academy of Sciences) Awarded Softec a Prize for Scientific and Research Activities

The presentation ceremony of Slovak Academy of Sciences was held in Bratislava, on June 25, 2009. Softec was awarded the SAS 2009 Prize for results in the field of cooperation with Universities – for the work “Advanced Technologies for Acquiring, Organising and Presenting Knowledge in Environment of Heterogeneous Information Sources”. The prize was given by the President of SAS, Prof. RNDr. Jaromir Pastorek, DrSc.

Together with the Softecs team participated in the project also teams of Institute of Informatics of SAS Bratislava, Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, and Pavol Jozef Safarik University Kosice. The aim of the project was to examine new approaches and methods of discovering and processing knowledge and information in environment of heterogeneous information sources. On the base of the research several software tools were designed and implemented, they were checked in two pilot applications oriented on acquiring information and knowledge in a job offers domain. One of results of this project is a job offers portal intended primary for entering and editing job offers. This portal became an integration tool for methods and tools developed within the project.

The Prize was accepted on behalf of the company by Ing. Pavol Bartos and Mgr. Rene Pazman.

Source: Softec

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