Small and medium-sized IT companies support Commissioner Kroes’ call for open standards and interoperability
The “Digital Agenda for Europe” due to be unveiled by the European Commission later this month must include a clear reference to the importance of open standards and interoperability, according to PIN-SME, the association representing the interests of Europe’s ICT SME sector. In a public letter sent to Commissioner Kroes (1), PIN-SME welcomed her recent declarations in favour of interoperability and open standards and pointed out that both are essential for Europe’s innovation and particularly for ICT small businesses.
“The European Commission should not miss this opportunity to express clear support to interoperability and open standards; such support would indeed boost confidence amongst ICT SMEs and facilitate innovation”, said Bruno Robine, President of PIN-SME.
According to late rumours, the Digital Agenda for Europe that will be presented in late April might not include a reference to the importance of Open Standards for Interoperability. “I believe that such an omission would be damaging to the interest of the European ICT SMEs”, stated Mr Robine.
The letter of PIN-SME further elaborates on the following principles: