Sofica Group, the largest Bulgarian outsourcing company reported a remarkable 57% growth in sales revenue for the first half of the year (ending June) compared to the same period of 2010. Compared to the second half of last year growth was 29%, the largest contribution to it have the increased by 52% revenue from the company’s Contact Center.
The achieved revenues are as a result of expanding the scope of work for key clients of Sofica Group and signing new strategic contracts. In the past six months, the company added to its portfolio new services such as 24×7 customer service, first-level IT support at the client and provision of Contact Centre as a service.
Sofica Group is the only Bulgarian company, which currently has confirmed participation in Europe’s most prestigious forum in the outsourcing industry – Call Centre & Customer Management EXPO, which will be held October 11 to 12 in London. The exhibition brings together annually over 5,000 participants, nearly 70% of them come with a specific purpose – to purchase and a quarter of the visitors have an investment budget of more than 1 million pounds.