Over 200 international companies from 14 countries participated in this year’s most prestigious European forum in the outsourcing industry – Call Centre & Customer Management EXPO, held last week in London. Sofica Group was the only company which presented the advantages of Bulgaria as outsourcing destination.
Mr. Lyubomir Kyuchukov ambassador of our country in the UK visited the company’s booth during the exhibition. Ambassador Kyuchukov and Mr. Stefan Bumov, CEO of Sofica Group discussed the possibilities to present Bulgaria in London in the area of outsourcing industry. The meeting is fully coherent with the initiatives taken by the Bulgarian Investment Agency to promote the industry, which is a priority for the economic development of our country. Ideas were exchanged for greater awareness of the Bulgarian business in the UK and taking further steps to open the British market for outsourcing services provided in Bulgaria.
The main trend that dominates the field of contact center services is the use of “cloud computing” technology. As a partner of the U.S. company Interactive Intelligence, Sofica Group present opportunities for the deployment of these technologies in today’s contact centers and their impact on quality and optimization of their operations.
Call Centre & Customer Management EXPO collected over 5,000 participants, nearly 70% of them come with a specific purpose – to conclude transactions and a quarter of the visitors have an investment budget of more than 1 million pounds. Organizers report that this year’s forum was the most visited from senior managers compared to the previous.