SoftServe Announces Abiliton Methodology for Software Development Lifecycle Management

SoftServe, Inc., provider of software consulting, development, testing and lifecycle services to IT decision-makers, today announced its Abiliton™ strategic methodology for software development lifecycle (SDLC) management. Abiliton provides enterprises and independent software vendors (ISVs) with a strategic and proven methodology for managing projects with a focus on People, Process, Tools and Communication, enabling faster time to market and the highest quality of developed software applications.

The first component of the Abiliton offering – People – focuses on a single concept: selecting, training and certifying the best, brightest and most qualified professionals in the field of software and application development. The highly competitive nature of the software business landscape has made the battle for development talent among enterprises and ISVs a make-or-break component of ensuring that products are delivered to market efficiently and effectively. SoftServe’s Abiliton methodology focuses only on leveraging the best trained and most qualified talent available for development projects, with an emphasis on teamwork and client service. This ensures that enterprises and ISVs that work with SoftServe will have projects completed on time, on budget and with complete assurance of product excellence.

Abiliton focuses on selecting and employing talent from the finest technical universities in Eastern Europe. SoftServe then puts its talent through a rigorous process, SoftServe University™, where developers receive real-world training and certification in industry-standard models (CMMI, PMI) and are educated to work in a true team-based fashion and deliver a compelling combination of experience, knowledge and commitment to client service. Developers are placed into a rigid internship process working on real-world client projects, and are only then evaluated by SoftServe and chosen to become Abiliton Software Engineers. These engineers are ultimately promoted to additional levels, including senior software engineers, technical leads and project managers, based on a unique combination of real-world project successes and the depth of expertise built in developing applications across industries and technologies.

“In many software development organizations, the requirements for promotion are often insufficient, and increase the risk that professionals will lack the skills to truly function at the level required for their positions,” said Alex Chubay, director of software development, SoftServe. “Our Abiliton model changes the dynamic by creating versatile, seasoned senior-level developers qualified to work across multiple technologies and industries – whatever may be demanded of them. By offering additional training and knowledge evaluations at all levels, we develop skill sets and expertise that can stand against any in the software development industry.”

Additional benefits of the Abiliton “People” Module include:

  • SoftServe University trains, educates and certifies developers on new and emerging technologies not yet offered by even the best global engineering universities.
  • The Abiliton Certification Model provides developers with a clear path for growth, while building broad skill sets and creating expert resources for clients at all levels.
  • Abiliton, while requiring developers to become certified according to industry-standard models, takes this a step further by requiring additional Abiliton certifications based on experience requirements, client service metrics and other critical benchmarks.
  • The methodology emphasizes not only robust engineering abilities, but also the development of critical interpersonal and communication skills that enable developers to manage teams and act as a resource for customers throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Employee performance tracking is based on real-world project successes rather than a pre-defined set of criteria, and developers receive constructive feedback throughout the certification process that serves as an invaluable guide for professional growth.
  • Exposure to technologies and development projects in multiple vertical industries provides professionals with a versatility and expertise that other industry-standard certification processes lack.
  • A rigorous selection process for SoftServe engineers results in an employee-retention rate far greater than other software development outsourcers.
  • The Abiliton emphasis on teamwork provides clients with teams that operate like well-oiled machines to deliver high-quality software as efficiently as possible.

“SoftServe’s commitment to delivering only the highest-quality software and application development services is exemplified and personified in our Abiliton methodology,” said Taras Kytsmey, president, SoftServe. “By employing only the best, most qualified and talented people in the field, and training them to work as a unified team throughout the project lifecycle, we’re providing our clients with the same high standard of service to which we hold our own partners. Developers are trained to take pride in and exude passion for their work, serving as expert resources for clients while delivering the best technology applications possible.”

Source: SoftServe

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