SoftServe is ready to implement and support the Microsoft Citizen Service Platform for Lviv city administration (Ukraine) considering the solution a suitable base for e-government in Ukraine.
At the Citizen Services Leadership Forum held in Warsaw, Poland on April 23-24, the government leaders from around Central & Eastern Europe gathered in an innovative and interactive format to share cross-industry perspectives and best practices relating to fiscal and operation challenges the government leaders face. Oleh Denys, Executive Vice President of Administration, took part in the Citizen Services Leadership Forum on behalf of SoftServe.
Microsoft being the official partner of the Forum showed readiness to equip the government leaders with the right tools to serve their citizens and be more effective, such as Microsoft Citizen Service Platform (CSP). Striving to promote Internet use and PC literacy, Microsoft has developed a model for mapping business challenges facing local governments and the technology solutions to address these changes.
The Corporation and its partners will provide the technologies and applications required for Government to serve their citizens better. The successful implementation and productivity gains in several cities of US, and also UK and Japan, serve as an example of effectiveness and improvement this platform provides to local governments.
Lviv city administration and the Mayor, Mr. Sadovyy, have shown significant interest in Microsoft’s proposal and are reviewing it closely. Having recently completed the first phase of automating several Lviv public utilities, SoftServe claims to be ready to integrate the platform for the city government needs. The company believes that Microsoft CSP can significantly improve execution of business processes and optimizing service delivery to help local governments in Ukraine to serve citizens and businesses.
Being the Microsoft Gold Certified Partner since 2004 and the Partner of the Year (Mobility Solutions) in Central and Eastern Europe, SoftServe has unique potential and embracing the necessary technology expertise and experience for the project. Taras Vervega, SoftServe’s EVP Business Development, said the new type of services could effectively expand the company’s portfolio of services.