18-22 May, 2009, Minsk, Belarus
MINSK Concert Hall, (Minsk, St. Oktyabrskaya, 5)
SEF-2009 Organizing Committee heartily welcomes you to take part in the Software Engineering Forum-2009 (SEF-2009), the first ever unique event to unite in one venue almost all professional IT communities of Belarus.
Organizers: The Science & Technology Association INFOPARK (Minsk, Belarus); SQALab LLC (Moscow, Russia). The Forum Initiator is Infopark-Project CJSC (Minsk, Belarus).
The Forum is held with support from the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus, and the High Technologies Park Administration.
The aim: improvement of IT experts’ competence and consolidation of the professional IT community.
The tasks:
Target audience:
Forum agenda issues:
Conference speakers and section moderators: experts from the competent Belarusian and international companies (Microsoft, IBM, Sun, Adobe, HP, and a number of others); specially invited IT-gurus, related IT communities (Agile community of Belarus, Belarus dotNet User Group, Linux vacation East Europe (LVEE) Conference participants, etc.); IT consultants and consulting agencies, vendors, representatives of IT related University departments.
Forum structure
The Forum’s agenda will include plenary and section reports, “round tables”, master classes, flip-chart discussions and focus groups (small – 8-10 people – group focused discussions with IT experts on issues related to software engineering).
The Forum will also hold seminars of companies – manufacturers of hardware and software for computer telecommunications, and computer demonstrations of network information resources.
Information for forum speakers
Please submit a subject and/or theses of your report to the Program Committee for approval to the following address org@it-conf.ru by the 1st of April, 2009.
You may find all current information pertaining to the Forum at the Infopark’s web-site www.infopark.by and the web resource http://it-conf.ru/ru/content/145.htm.