Software Mind SA invites to the Sales 2.0 conference

Software Mind SA invites to the Sales 2.0 conference – How to achieve high sales results in the new reality? The organizers of the conference, which will be held on 24 November 2009 in Warsaw, are Harvard Business Review Polska and ICAN Institute. 

The special guest of the event, Barry Trailer, world-class expert, managing partner of CSO Insights, will present the problem of Sales 2.0. “The essence of sales has not changed, however the way it is achieved has changed dramatically. Modern sales nowadays are more about the proper use of teams, technology and innovation.”

The conference was preceded by a Polish version of the renowned Sales Performance Optimization 2010 research, which has been conducted in the US for 16 years. The results of Polish research and conclusions concerning the sales processes in Poland will be presented during the conference, among other issues.

We would like to invite you especially to the presentation entitled Effective management of motivation ECO-system, hosted by Konrad Siatka, Vice President of Software Mind SA, during which the following issues will be discussed:

  • How do modern IT tools help in building and managing effective incentive systems for sales?
  • Key challenges concerning the creation of incentive systems for salesmen.
  • The most common problems resulting from the creation and management of commission systems.
  • How to increase the effectiveness of incentive systems, by increasing their flexibility as well as reducing costs and improving control of expenditure on sales force motivation?

Source: Software Mind

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