Outsourcing, a conjecture initiated by Adam Smith in 1776 in his book “The Wealth of Nations”. In modern era outsourcing business in India started from 1980′s and in the past decade it has reached to its peak and is still growing higher. Primarily started with a motto of cost effectiveness, however after knowing other involved benefits it molded in software field as well.
With experienced expertise and rich amount of talented software development companies, going for software outsourcing in India could be a wise decision. India has a vast range of software development companies, working in different fields and platforms. These fields and platforms could be classified under: web designing and development, iPhone and other mobile phone application and development, graphics development, games development, CMS (Content Management System), CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Application development and many others, providing the stakeholder a clear visualization to choose its software development company for software outsourcing in India.
Indian software outsourcing companies serve as a software development partner to the companies based all around the world, including USA, UK, Australia, Europe, GCC etc. Apart from the cost effective feature, there are end number of benefits in custom application development work for the companies to go for software outsourcing in India. Some of them could be listed below: