The Seventh conference «Software Quality Assurance Days» will hold on May 14-15th, 2010 in Kharkov (Ukraine)
Starting its humble beginnings in 2007, SQA Days has grown into the number 1 Software Testing Conference on space of the CIS on software quality assurance subject area. In total for all time existence the event have visited more than 1500 participants from the companies representing various sectors of economy. The conference traditionally unites leading experts of the international class.
SQA Days is a fine platform of dialogue and share of experience for the people involved in sphere of software testing. It is possibility to tell about the achievements, to show how to use different testing tools, techniques and methodologies effectively. And certainly it is new useful acquaintances.
For the companies it is fine possibility to declare itself, and also to prepare high quality experts who will raise software quality and by that will strengthen competitive positions.
Look forward to seeing you at SQA Days – 7!
Conference format
Registration of participants: from 9-00 till 9-30
The conference starting time: 9-30.
The conference ending time: 18-30 – 19-00.
The regular presentation – the report of the speaker (including questions from the audience), accompanied by a slides show. Duration 30-40 min. After the presentation the speaker continues to answer questions from the audience on a separate flip-chart.
The flip-chart presentation – short (about 15-20 min) report related the topic of the conference or close to it, with a flip-chart use and felt-tip pens, or by word of mouth without using special means.
Such presentations will be performed during the breaks between the main reports.
Master class – practical training report. Duration 1.5 hr.
Round table – discussion of the dedicated problematics by experts in area. Duration 1 hr.
There can be 2 or 3 presenetations at the same time.
Coffee breaks will be held in between the reports, and there wil be dinner at a restaurant at noontime.