The Shared Services & Outsourcing Network (SSON) is the largest and most established community of shared services and outsourcing professionals.
We provide the roof under which key industry experts and organizations share their experience, knowledge and tools, and your practitioner peers connect with other all over the world, face to face and online.
SSON focuses on developing its members through providing training, tools, and networking opportunities. Our staff works from international offices in New York, London, Singapore, Sydney, Johannesburg, Berlin and Dubai to research current trends and developments in shared services.
SSON’s 15th Annual Shared Services Week is the largest annual gathering of Shared Services professionals in the world! This can’t-miss multi-tracked event is designed to provide executives from start-ups, intermediate and mature shared services with everything they need to know to bring shared services to the next level. Featuring outstanding keynotes, an impressive speaker faculty, workshops, master-classes, site-tours and the shared service excellence awards, there is little the Shared Services Executive could want outside of this conference.
Read on for highlights of all our previous Shared Services events, or download past brochures and documents in our Download Center
Why this Event is Unique:
This conference will provide the most visionary thinking on shared services with a focus on your priority business outcomes. Presentations will detail how shared services will continue to add value in this downturn economy and highlight the opportunities for those evaluating, optimizing and re-engineering shared services. The multiple tracks taking place at Shared Services Week (Planning & Launching, Globalized and Multi-Functional, HR Transformation, Measurement & Process Excellence, Talent Management, Blue Sky, Finance Transformation, Leveraging Technology and Mid-Market) have been developed to cater to the specific needs of various functions and stages of adoption.
Shared Services & Outsourcing Around the World
The Shared Services & Outsourcing conference series is well-known around the world, with events taking place in the UK, Australia, Singapore and the United States.
Across the board, these events offer the same high-quality content, top industry experts on the speaker faculty, and key decision-makers in the audience. However, each event has its own personality, catering to the region in which it takes place, and dealing with challenges that can be unique to that region.
If you have a colleague in an international office, please refer them to this calendar of events and find out where the nearest Shared Services & Outsourcing conference is taking place!