It signed framework agreements to purchase information and telecommunication technologies.
The National Agency for Network and Electronic Services (NASES) signed framework agreements to purchase information and telecommunication technologies worth altogether €30 million in late July.
The subject of the order is the delivery of the computing technology, backup sources, network infrastructure, technologies to transfer and save data, as well as creation and maintenance of data centres and storages, including operation systems and related software and hardware. Part of it is also the delivery of spare parts, peripheries and accessories to the procured technologies, deliveries of software licences for servers, working stations, accessories and peripheries, and services related to the adjustment of delivered licences for software, the TASR newswire reported.
The framework agreement also deals with securing the related software and programming work and service of the procured technologies, the created data centres and storages and the software equipment. It also includes the services of a planner related to the installation of procured technologies, TASR wrote.
The order is divided into two parts. The framework agreement for each part is signed for four years. It is expected that NASES will open the contracts for partial fulfilments if necessary.
NASES signed the framework agreement concerning the first part of the order amounting to €2 million excluding VAT on June 30 with four bidders. The framework agreement concerning the second part of the order worth €28 million excluding VAT was signed with five bidders, TASR reported.
To procure the items that are part of the agreements, NASES will launch separate competitions that will be attended by contracted companies. The electronic auction will subsequently pick the firm that submitted the cheapest bid.
NASES is not obliged to use all the money in the course of the four years, its spokesperson Lucia Maková told TASR.