Sygnity signed the annexes to the agreements with the Human Resources Development Centre with its seat in Warsaw, which will facilitate the Poviat Labour Offices the performance of its statutory tasks.
Sygnity signed the annexes to the agreements of 22 January and 16 December, 2009 entered into with the Human Resources Development Centre with its seat in Warsaw (unit established by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy), which will facilitate the Poviat Labour Offices the performance of its statutory tasks .
Thanks to the project development access to software will be provided to a larger group of officers servicing the unemployed. Moreover, the number of offices using the SyriuszStd software via Internet will increase (SaaS service). Total value of the annexes is PLN 13 827 million.
In January and December 2009, the Sygnity SA company signed the agreement on supply and implementation of the SyriuszStd software for the Public Employment Services with the Human Resources Development Centre (unit established by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy).
Syriusz replaces the SI PULS system, developed and implemented within the ALSO project (financed by the World Bank) by the Sygnity JSC, operating in the Poviat Labour Offices, Voivodeship Labour Offices and in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy since 1999. The all-Poland Syriusz system is an innovative solution, introducing new quality to the IT service of the Public Employment Services.
Project development resulted from the implementation of a greater than primarily expected number of changes to the SyriuszStd application software – being for the most the effect of legislative changes, widening of the SaaS service scope i.e. making the SyriuszStd system available in the outsourcing model and covering the greater number of the Labour Office employees with the implementation process.
“Thanks to project scope widening more Labour Offices will be able to use the SyriuszStd application in the outsourcing model – i.e. in the form of so called Saas service. System does not need to be installed in the Office, it is provided by our company via Internet.
Due to such form of using the IT system, the Office does not need to ensure IT equipment and, in addition, it benefits from many services, which increase safety and comfort of work with the application. All updates are installed to the system on automatic basis.
The users does not have to worry about the necessity to develop infrastructure when the system is more loaded. Such form of cooperation raised even greater than assumed interest of the Poviat Labour Offices – at present the service is used by 44 Poviat Labour Offices (among others in the Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki, Boleslawiec and Sandomierz) and 28 local offices.
This is the subsequent step in the delivery of the Sygnity development plan announced in 2010. Development of the SaaS services offered by our company progresses faster than we assumed. It is worth to note that thanks to the project development the Syriusz SyriuszStd system will be made available to a wider group of the officers supporting the service of the unemployed” – says Mr. Arkadiusz Lew-Kiedrowski, Vice-President of the Management Board of Sygnity JSC.
The most difficult implementation stage – data migration, system installation and trainings covering main system components – has been already completed in all labour offices in Poland. At present, SyriuszStd has been operating in all Poviat Labour Offices in Poland (342 Poviat Labour Offices and 104 local offices).
Completion of replacement of the SI PULS system with SyriuszStd will be made as scheduled i.e. till the end of the first half of 2011. Only final stages of the implementation process, such as trainings covering additional system functionalities or launching of SI PULS as an archive system are to be completed.