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Like a pre-storm sky, a look at the investments outsourcing service providers are currently undertaking presents evidence of tremendous change over the next five years.

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For more than 10 years, it has been my privilege – and my fascination – to interview the world’s leadings service providers and analysts about their predictions as to how outsourcing will change in the coming year.

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Outsourcing Center asked leading outsourcing service providers about their predictions as to the biggest changes that will impact outsourcing buyers over the next five years.

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New delivery models, new pricing models, service providers’ new marketing strategies, moving up the value chain to intellectual arbitrage, new technologies, real-time customer interaction, globalization, and new standards and regulations – these factors set the stage for risks for buyers of outsourcing services in the next two to five years.

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For the most part, industry experts say the midmarket is poised for significant growth in outsourcing during the next five years.

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Which industries will experience a surge in outsourcing in the next few years, and what risks will buyers of those services face? Are there business processes or functions that will begin turning to outsourcing in the next two to five years?

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The Outsourcing & Location Selection, Knowledge, Networking and Business Hub

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For two days in October, top global IT-BPO leaders and client-side executives will debate the future of the industry, providing insights into a fast-emerging.

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IAOP predicts increased outsourcing acceptance politically, sourcing from all shores, a retail model to outsourcing emerging and companies outsourcing multiple functions with fewer vendors.

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Accenture has signed a five-year business process outsourcing (BPO) contract with Statoil, an international energy company with operations in 40 countries, to manage the companys Accounts Payables processes.

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