There has been a “sea change in attitude” among businesses in this financial crisis, as bosses see IT support as a way of cutting expenditure rather than just an added cost, according to an expert.
Continue readingImplementing globalisation no longer creates automatic competitive cost advantage. To gain competitive advantage, companies must strategically engineer the integration and synergy from service providers.
Continue readingGlobalization is suffering from economic, financial and political challenges. IT organizations can improve results and mitigate risks by revamping offshore strategies.
Continue readingSome of the domestic outsourcing companies may have almost got knocked down in the aftermath of the global economic meltdown, but they can’t be knocked out, for sure.
Continue readingWe are in the midst of global economic downturn.Since businesses are cutting costs and no. of employees what impact do you think it’s going to have on outsourcing industry (specifically marketing and procurement outsourcing)?
Continue readingThe global sub prime crisis will force financial institution to offshore more work to cut cost.
Continue readingGiven the current global financial crisis, we are already seeing companies cut down on IT spending. Most industry observers believe we will see another round of IT cost-cutting in the first quarter of 2009.
Continue readingAmerican companies plan to continue to implement their current strategies for sourcing some functions offshore despite the current worldwide economic slump, and the financial downturn may even accelerate such plans.
Continue readingRichard Brubaker’s article 20 Million Chinese Migrants Out Of Work discusses how the economic crisis has begun to affect the Chinese employment market.
Continue readingIf the worldwide financial crisis has rendered the issue of IT outsourcing redundant, meaning that the outsourcing method is now a universal tool available to every company looking for cost reduction while maintaining good quality services, secure business development is essential to preserving core integrity.
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