The border between real and virtual worlds becomes thinner and thinner day after day. And while we are still far from a movie-like futuristic …
The digital transformation of a business is always connected with attributes and phrases such as: …
The QATestLab training center has reached a historic milestone. This year marks its 10th anniversary. In celebration of…
Ensuring thorough quality assurance (QA) and testing processes for your software before its release is essential. These activities…
The exponential and unprecedented change in technology affects the way in which organizations develop, validate, deliver, and operate software. Hence, these organizations must consistently innovate and revamp themselves by finding…
For most companies, CRM is at the center of business, so the quality of CRM…
GoodFirms acknowledged a1qa contribution in defining the role of software testing in delivering high-value products by…
Fortech, headquartered in Cluj-Napoca, is expanding its activity in Brasov. Classified by The World Bank as a magnet city, Brasov attracts each year professionals who relocate from the restless big…
Minimum the number of “dry” theoretical talks, and emphasis will be on practical experience…
Originated in 2003 from a small QA department, A1QA has grown into the international software…