N-iX, Ukrainian IT outsourcing provider of software solutions and engineering services, is going to conduct seminar on tech business essentials on July 17th in Lviv.
The seminar will be performed by Denis Dovgopoliy. He is a founder and president at BayViewInnovations, that promotes business development of Ukrainian innovative technologies.
Seminar attendees will get known about history of a tech business, sources of Silicon Valley. Main “rules of play”, stages of start-up’s life, kinds of investors, mechanisms of venture funds’ work will be highlighted. Process of investments involvement will be examined at a practical part on a case study.
As a result seminar attendees will be able to build their start-ups more effectively and successfully communicate with investors.
The seminar agenda will deal with such issues as:
N-iX Vice President Andrew Pavliv believes that “this seminar should interest beginner start-upers, entrepreneurs and business owners, as well as investors and venture funds’ representatives”.