Second Open Technology Week by Sigma Software Held in Kharkiv

Second Open Technology Week by Sigma Software Held in Kharkiv

We continue the series of events aimed at experience exchange and live networking in our Ukrainian offices.

After the pioneering Open Technology Week in Lviv that took place in January, Kharkiv picked up the slack.

Kharkiv Open Technology Week gathered developers, test engineers, managers, and team leaders, who strive for knowledge and personal growth. All the funds raised during Technology Week were used to support Kharkiv Children’s Clinical Hospital #1 in procurement of medical equipment.

The last week of April Kharkiv office of Sigma Software had something to engage the city IT community. Every weekday was devoted to one of common technologies or areas of IT development. We invited experts from Sigma Software and other companies to share their knowledge and everyone interested in the topics to attend.

On Monday, April 24, .NET night attracted very serious and thoughtful audience to take a look at the mechanisms of the SQL Server and literally dive into the bowels of SQL Server, going through all the stages of the request processing. The second speaker revealed the benefits of SOLID and if one can apply it to Functional Programming.

On Tuesday, April 25, we met Java/Scala crowd and two brilliant experts. The first speech covered twists and turns of system transition from Hadoop to Spark, that was specifically useful for those, who implement Spark on their projects and would like to avoid integration problems. Then followed the lecture by a guest speaker, who tried to inspire audience to develop new algorithms in multi-threading programming domain and showed how small changes in the technical solutions boost multi-billion market of Java-applications.

The next day was about mobile development and what stands behind it. We discussed Android app architecture through the example of code of production project using trendy libs (Dagger2, Retorfit2, RX, etc.) and abandoning REST in favor of microservice /serverless connection to backend.

On Software Testing day the warm lot gathered to hear about using Google analytics to prioritize errors and optimize regression testing. Then we found out about TDD automation on a short-term project, learned BDD/TDD approaches in integration of TA to development process, and what results were achieved.

Final meetup, dedicated to Project Management, was marked with the biggest number of visitors and featured two topics: building a team based on values, and thinking patterns, which allow seeing the point and getting maximum result from common project management practices and approaches.

“We invest significant effort in the development of IT community and promoting knowledge sharing. This initiative embraces different areas and directions and goes off the conventional conference format with all-day-long event. On top of that we are glad to contribute to children health. During the whole week of events we have raised 24 000 UAH that were sent to “Future and Hope” Charity Fund to buy equipment for Kharkiv children’s clinical hospital #1,”

 says Valery Krasovsky, CEO at Sigma Software. 

“The next Open Technology Week by Sigma Software is planned in Odesa and we hope to see more motivated and engaged people there.”

About Sigma

Sigma is a long-term business partner wherever information technology makes a difference. We are a global player with a Nordic base. We deliver the smartest solutions to support our customers’ business aims. Sigma is owned by Danir AB and has about 3200 employees in eleven countries. Sigma operates in Ukraine since 2006 and the local team currently consists of over 750 IT professionals.


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