Telerik – Gold Partner of Microsoft DevDays in Sofia, Bulgaria

Start: March 19, 2008
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Telerik is pleased to announce its participation as a Gold partner in the upcoming Microsoft DevDays conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. The event will be held in Sofia Inter Expo Center (IEC) on the 24th and 25th of April. DevDays is the most significant developers’ conference in Bulgaria that brings together IT and project managers, software engineers, network and system administrators, and software developers.

The attendants will have the chance to meet our experts at the Telerik booth, and discuss how the new Microsoft technologies and Telerik tools can deliver high productivity gains and impressive functionality to any Windows or web application.

Telerik will be presented in the educational sessions by 3 lecturers who will focus on the following topics:

    * Databinding & Web Services in Silverlight – Miroslav Paskov, Telerik software engineer specialized in RIA, will give you insights on SEO, security, and local storage in the context of WCF services and Silverlight.

    * 3D in WPF – WPF 3D model will be introduced by Liubomir Popov, interface designer at Telerik. He will make you acquainted with the opportunities for interactivity and higher usability, which this new technology reveals.

    * ASP.NET MVC: First Look – In this session, Erjan Gavalji, Telerik software engineer from the ASP.NET division, will introduce ASP.NET MVC and explore this new way to build a basic ASP.NET MVC application, and discuss the pros and cons of switching to MVC.

Telerik’s contribution to the Microsoft DevDays conference is part of the company’s program for education and support of young IT specialists in Bulgaria and the Balkans region.

Source: Telerik

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