Telesens, the European supplier of billing systems and end-to-end customized solutions with a development centre in the Ukraine, has successfully closed the 2009 financial year with 27 new agreements with its customers for implementation, services and added functionality to its own product line.
“Last year was not easy because the financial crisis affected many of our customers”, Eduard Rubin, the Director of Telesens said.
“The budgets for many of our existing and potential clients have been pruned and many projects have been postponed. Nevertheless, 2009 has been a good year for us: our annual turnover grew by 9% compared with the previous year, we managed to expand our customer and geographic base and deliver new functionality that will help to expand our business”, E. Rubin noted.
An important event this year was the creation of Telesens International, headquartered in London, with Martin Browne, one of the most authoritative specialists in the telecommunications market, appointed as President. This has opened up some new prospects for our products and services in Europe, North America and the Middle East.
The company has won 4 international tenders in the last year for the delivery of interconnect billing products and services. The Tinterconnect system is now operating successfully in 5 countries.
The company has also continued to expand its BSS offerings for the telecommunications industry. It has developed two new products: T-CPM (Telesens Content Partner Management) and T-TTM (Telesens Traffic Trade Management). T-CPM supports content settlements between cellular operators, content providers, content aggregators and service providers. T-TTM is designed to provide routing optimization and information to support the traffic trade business and to maximize the profit from transit and termination traffic.
When used in conjunction with Tinterconnect (T-IC), these systems enable telecommunication companies to automate, optimize and improve the efficiency of their interconnect business.
The company was also active in the end-to-end customized solution market. In 2008, Telesens was recognized as the key partner for Nokia Siemens (News – Alert) Networks in the Ukraine. In 2009, the company increased the number of joint projects with NSN and expanded the geography of its customers from the Ukraine and Uzbekistan to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Turkey.
One of large outsourcing projects involved co-operating with Avologic, Inc. (USA). Telesens specialists modernized an internal portal for the world famous public organization, the New York Road Runners. Telesens also provided the development and service support for the ING New York City Marathon 2009, the largest marathon in history with 47,741 participants.
Last year, outsourcing contracts were signed with Bestence GmbH (Germany) to deliver a project for a major European telecommunication company and with acoreus AG (Germany) for developing and operating a migration support system for address digits. A joint Java based re-engineering project was delivered with Atos Origin AG (Switzerland) for one of the biggest mobile operators in Europe.
“In 2010, the company intends to strengthen its marketing activity and to continue working on solutions for the telecommunications market, in particular, in the area of optimization, forecasting and analytics to maximize the efficiency of business processes and decision-making”, E. Rubin said.