September 28th at 11:00 Eastern Time
Did you know that the latest research reveals nine out of ten enterprises today are operating shared services and 97% are managing outsourcing relationships? And did you know that most of them have yet to benefit from combining their shared services and outsourcing operations into one integrated Global Business Services model? Well, if you did, then you won’t be interested in our web-session next week…
Please join us next to hear how enterprises can develop and execute a coordinated Global Business Services framework to ensure goal alignment, execution, and on-going governance:
We’ll take on this challenge with a distinguished panel, moderated by Dawn Evans, President and CEO of our partner SIG. Joining Dawn will be HfS Founder and CEO Phil Fersht, Charles Aird, Global and US leader of PwC’s Shared Services and Outsourcing Advisory practice, HfS Research VP Tony Filippone, , and Nick Atkin, a partner in the SS&O practice at PwC UK.
You’ll learn: