The recent “3T Tourism, Travel and Technology” conference in Zagreb attracted some high profile speakers, including Uber South-East Europe General Manager Davor Tremac, who talked technology and UberBOAT. TCN was there.
One of the participants of the panel discussion on the topic „Sharing vs Caring – Can Private Accommodation Affect Hotels like Uber Affects Transportation?”, held as part of the 3T conference in HUB385 on March 30, 2017 was Davor Tremac, general manager of Uber for South-East Europe.
The conference was a great way to present a short overview of what Uber does in Croatia, and to introduce the launch of a new Uber service this summer – UberBOAT.
Tremac stressed that Uber is a technology platform – Uber connects its users with partner drivers in order to create better connectivity through towns and cities.
A city without Uber is like a hotel without WiFi.
Uber is an active participant in creating the tourism offer – the stats from last year showed interesting results: just 24 hours after the launch of Uber in Split and Dubrovnik, 40 different nationalities had used the app – usually tourists look for the easiest way to reach their destination as soon as they land on the airport.
Uber for them presents reliability and security. They are already using Uber in their home countries, and they know what to expect every time they order an Uber ride.
Both on global market and in Croatia, Uber is a standard and the presence of Uber in different countries is an indicator of the readiness of each country to do business.
“Given the fact Uber is extremely important for tourism in Croatia, it will launch a new product this summer – UberBOAT. This service will provide effective and better connection of both tourists and locals on the islands with the mainland. UberBOAT will have the world premiere and the first ever launch in Croatia. This service will offer users the easiest way to reach the islands and create services related to better transportation on the sea. At the same time, it will help local partners who offer speedboat transfer services a better way to get more business. With the launching of this service, Croatia is becoming the leader in development of urban mobility both on land and at sea,”
— said Tremac at the conference.