Ukraine becomes one of the Top 30 countries with greater suitability for offshore and nearshore IT or business process services.
This year Gartner Inc., the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company, analyzed and identified 30 countries, Ukraine among them, best suited for offshore services and operations. According to Gartner’s analysts, Asian and Pacific Countries will be most favorable for offshore development in 2010-2011. The top position is still occupied by India, however, China, Russia and Brazil are providing reasonable alternatives. On the other hand, seven developed countries including Australia, Canada, Israel and Singapore were taken off the list.
According to Ian Marriot, research vice-president at Gartner, the aim of the study was to “help sourcing managers determine which locations are right for their organizations”. Gartner considered ten key factors, essential for organizations choosing potential locations for their offshore and nearshore business. They included such criteria as language, government support, labor pool, infrastructure, educational system, cost, political and economic environment, cultural compatibility, global and legal maturity, and data and intellectual property security and privacy.