In the Ukrainian IT associations believe that software development can bring the economy out of the crisis in Ukraine.
“The volume of exports of services in software development from Ukraine closer to $ 2 billion, which is less than 1% of the global outsourcing market in 2013. At the same time, Ukraine is ranked fourth in the world in the number of certified IT professionals (after the United States, India, Russia).
Ukraine is also among the top 30 locations for the transmission of orders for software development. This shows the enormous growth potential for the industry, “
- said the industry association. Key advantages of the sphere of development lies in the fact that the increase in production will not need significant investment in fixed assets, because the main resource industries are programmers.
“Although the civil strife in Ukraine now deters many potential customers from the start of development projects in the country (the volume of new orders fell to almost zero), according to the majority of companies, the situation can be quickly corrected by competent information policies and actions of the government on the development of the industry,”
– noted in the IT Association.