Unicorn Systems and Alstom Grid combined strengths of their products to support ENTSO-E, the association of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, in performing its energy policy goals.
The target system (Network Modeling Database – NMD) was recently launched to improve TSOs’ long term coordinated and standardized planning of the European transmission grid. Overall, the system will contribute to higher security of supply, secure integration of renewable resources, and a reliable future-oriented grid.
The data exchange concepts are based on the MADES (Market Data Exchange Standard) standard that is approved by ENTSO-E as a standard for the data exchange with TSOs and other market participants in the future.
The scope of the project encompassed secure ENTSO-E Common Information Model (CIM) compliant data storage for electric network models used by ENTSO-E members and delivery of an extensible robust software platform which will become the cornerstone of the overall ENTSO-E data handling concept (SPICE – Strategic Program for Information Consistency in ENTSO-E).
In its position of the alliance leader, Unicorn Systems provided System Integration together with a software platform that is robust, open, and flexible to allow future adaptations and extensions of employed data model concepts, data handling processes, and interfaces with external parties – Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and other market players.
ENTSO-E’s role is to enhance cooperation between 41 national electricity TSOs from 34 countries across Europe in order to assist in the development of a pan-European electricity transmission network in line with European Union energy goals. Its specific aims are to:
ENTSO-E is responsible for creating common network operational tools (network codes), a Ten-Year Network Development Plan, recommendations for the coordination of technical cooperation between TSOs within the EU, and annual outlooks for summer and winter electricity generation.
About Alstom Grid
Alstom Grid has over 100 years of expertise in electrical grids. Whether for utilities or electro-intensive industries or facilitating the trading of energy, Alstom Grid brings power to its customers’ projects. Alstom Grid ranks among the top 3 in electrical transmission sector with an annual sales turnover of more than €4 billion. It has 20,000 employees and over 90 manufacturing and engineering sites worldwide. At the heart of the development of Smart Grid, Alstom Grid offers products, services and integrated energy management solutions across the full energy value chain—from power generation, through transmission and distribution grids and to the large end user.
About Unicorn Systems
Unicorn Systems is a renowned European company providing the largest information systems and solutions in the area of information and communication technologies. We have focused on providing high added value and competitive edge to our clients for many years. We have been operating on the market since 1990 and since then we have created a series of high-end large-scale solutions that are extended and used among the most important companies in a variety of sectors. We have the best references from banking, insurance, telecommunications, energy, industry, commerce and public sectors. Our customers are not only the largest companies but also market leaders. We have a detailed knowledge of the entire spectrum of all business sectors. We understand the principles of their operation as well as comprehend the specific needs of our customers.
Our extensive team of systematically educated experts perfectly masters all current product lines, components, technology, and therefore we have essentially no technological restrictions. Even though we enforce a lot of revolutionary ideas in our work, the overall delivery of proven solutions are subject to fundamental criteria – quality, scope, term and budget.