Unicorn Systems will provide for transparency of European Power industry

Unicorn Systems gained a new important customer in the energy sector. Unicorn Systems won the tender procedure for ENTSO-E, the association of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity, and it will provide services and secure further development of the current version of the Transparency Platform, which serves as a central place for publishing commercial and technical data from all over Europe. 

ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity) is the association integrating TSOs (Transmission System Operators) in the European region which provides the umbrella for interests of the European TSOs to EU institutions. As a result of the pending unification of the European energy markets and the growing need for exchange of information about markets, flows and energy prices, the importance of ENTSO-E as an organization and the Transparency Platform itself will continue to grow significantly in the future.

Such success keeps strengthening the position of Unicorn Systems as an important ICT supplier for the European power industry.

About Unicorn Systems

Unicorn Systems is a renowned European company providing the largest information systems and solutions in the area of information and communication technologies. We have focused on providing high added value and competitive edge to our clients for many years. We have been operating on the market since 1990 and since then we have created a series of high-end large-scale solutions that are extended and used among the most important companies in a variety of sectors. We have the best references from banking, insurance, telecommunications, energy, industry, commerce and public sectors.

Our customers are not only the largest companies but also market leaders. We have a detailed knowledge of the entire spectrum of all business sectors. We understand the principles of their operation as well as comprehend the specific needs of our customers. Our extensive team of systematically educated experts perfectly masters all current product lines, components, technology, and therefore we have essentially no technological restrictions. Even though we enforce a lot of revolutionary ideas in our work, the overall delivery of proven solutions are subject to fundamental criteria – quality, scope, term and budget.

More press releases published by Unicorn Systems are available here: www.unicornsystems.eu.

The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) continues the long histories of successful TSO coordination work by its six predecessor associations throughout Europe (ATOSI, BALTSO, ETSO, NORDEL, UCTE and UKTSOA). Based on the work of these predecessors ENTSO-E speaks up on behalf of TSO surpassing the regions covered by the European Union on issues concerning:
The European TSOs agreed and have founded ENTSO-E ahead of approval and implementation of the 3rd Package. TSO are willing to play an active and important role in the European rule setting process and to push network codes and pan-European network planning forward urgently.
Through this endeavour the TSO of Europe will contribute significantly to the development of a competitive European Electricity Market integrating all market participants, all kind of generation facilities and stakeholders as e.g. regulators, national government or large customers.
Currently 42 TSO from 36 countries are full members of ENTSO-E. 

CATEGORY: Press-Releases

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